Tag: green

Angela’s Black & Green Lattice Quilt!

Angela’s Black & Green Lattice Quilt! Angela’s Black & Green Lattice Quilt

Angela Rowan made this vivid quilt of Black & Green in a lattice pattern. The two green prints with the solid black create a bold contrast that’s sure to make you look! The quilt is backed in our 108” Green Branches quilt backing. I quilted it for her in “Curly Swirly” using black thread. Awesome […]

Beth’s Red & Green Geometric Quilt!

Beth’s Red & Green Geometric Quilt! Beth’s Red & Green Geometric Quilt

Beth Trotman pieced this fantastic Geometric quilt from red and light green prints. It is a great pattern, and the variety of prints makes it even more interesting! Our comfortable Hobbs Heirloom batting is inside, and the quilt is backed with Quilters Blenders Poinsettia Red 108” quilt backing which is also from our shop. I […]

Sue’s Underground Railroad Quilt

Sue’s Underground Railroad Quilt Sue’s Underground Railroad Quilt

Sue Coe made this magnificent Underground Railroad sampler quilt featuring quilt blocks used in quilts as signs for escaped slaves along the Underground Railroad. According to legend, a safe house along the Underground Railroad was often indicated by a quilt hanging from a clothesline, fence or windowsill. The blocks formed a type of code, communicating […]

Santa Fabric at Lady Bird Quilts!

Santa Fabric at Lady Bird Quilts! Christmas Fabric

Lady Bird Quilts is the place to go for great deals on Christmas fabric! Tis the season, so come by and stock up on our Holiday prints plus coordinating colors. We have some great deals just waiting for you! Open all day Saturday from 10 to 5 for your convenience and by individual appointment Tuesday […]