Category: Quilting

Making of quilts. Longarm Quilting and piecing of quilt tops.

Summer is Heating Up but Quilting is Cool!

Summer is Heating Up but Quilting is Cool! Cotton Floral Prints

Just because it’s getting warm outside doesn’t mean you need to put your sewing aside. It can actually be an ideal time to piece a quilt, the rush and bustle of the Holiday season is still months away, sew while you have a chance! It may be warm outside, but air conditioning can make it […]

Not One but Two Fabric Deliveries This Week!

Not One but Two Fabric Deliveries This Week! Gorgeous Cotton Prints

In addition to the big shipment re received last week we got two more shipments of fabric in this week at Lady Bird Quilts. The selection is outstanding and the price is right! We have many new marbled, floral and abstract prints, some new solids, more yellows and lots of 108” quilt backing including prints […]

Sewing Class 2019 Scrappy Quilt Block 5: Disappearing Pinwheel


Sewing & Quilt Piecing Class Skill Level: Intermediate Instructors: Lynda Britt & Iris Melvin Date: May 14, 2019 Time: 2 PM – 4 PM In this class we will learn how to make the Disappearing Pinwheel Quilt Block, the fifth block of our 2019 Scrappy Quilt. You don’t have to start with the first block, […]