Tag: white

Patriotic Thicketty Mountain Quilt

Patriotic Thicketty Mountain Quilt Patriotic Thicketty Mountain Quilt

I made this Red, White and Blue quilt for Tim McDonald as a tribute to his military service. I quilted it in the “Star Spangled” design with navy blue thread. It is backed and bound with our Poinsettia Red Quilters Blenders quilt backing and filled with soft Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 batting. Thank you for your […]

Ducks in Pond Appliqué Quilt!

Ducks in Pond Appliqué Quilt! Ducks in Pond Applique Quilt

I made this quilt featuring 3 ducks swimming on a pond in the center. The ducks were given to me and I thought they really needed to be swimming so I appliquéd them on a pond of our Light Blue Marblecious fabric. The pond is surrounded by squares of a green print for vegetation, brown […]