25% Off Halloween Fabric Sale!
We have marked all of our Halloween Fabric down 25% off our already low prices! The 50% off Bargain Table is still going strong with new pieces being marked down and added to the table each week. All of our Fat Quarters are only $1.00 a piece including Holiday Prints! For quilters and crafters we have Pre-cut Squares. 3&1/2″ squares are 15 for $1.50, 4&1/2″ squares 20 for $2.00, 5&1/2″ and 6&1/2″ squares are 10 for $2.00. We stock a wide assortment of prints in hard to find, high quality 108″ wide material for only $9.00 a linear yard. At 108″ wide that’s 1 yard by 3 yards of fabric! We also have a large number of cotton prints and solids in standard width material.
We also have hand crafted quilted Christmas Ornaments and even better we teach classes on how to make them!
Come see us. We’re open from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm every Saturday at 7161 Highway 90 in Grand Ridge, Florida. Look for the Fabric Sale sign!